The safety of our patients, staff, and study teams is MCRU Lab's top priority.
MCRU Lab guidelines for study teams are in place to ensure the safety of patients, staff, and study teams. Please review and follow the guidelines below when interacting with the lab for your study needs. Failure to follow these guidelines may result in delayed service requests. For additional information, view a list of Frequently Asked Questions. For questions, contact [email protected].
- Core hours for MCRU Lab are 7:30 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday
- Study Teams should NEVER open the lab door or window themselves
- Study teams are not permitted access to the lab unless invited in by staff for a specified purpose.
- Teams requiring after-hours access must contact the Lab Manager to receive site-specific training.
- Study teams with after-hours access are not permitted to work alongside MCRU lab staff during core hours.
- For safety and to maintain pressure environment, the lab door and window will remain closed between interactions.
Supplies for Future Collection
- Kits are requested 24-48 hours in advance of a visit. Please do not deliver kits for visits > 1 week away.
- iPads will be available on the dropoff cart just outside the lab door
- Passwords are on the screen
- Study team will log into the iPad and click the Safari app then the “KIT Drop Off” tab
- The link can be used to enter data from any device with a browser.
- Each kit must be entered separately.
- Study team will then log their kit into the iPad filling in all necessary information:
- PI Last Name
- HUM Number (8 digits)
- Visit type/definition
- Anticipated visit date (MM/DD/YYYY)
- Time of day visit is scheduled for (24 hour clock, XX:XX)
- Subject ID
- If you do not have a subject ID yet, please input "tbd"
- Study Team Contact Information
- Notes (Free text box for any useful information for the lab)
- Once entered, study team will drop their kit into the clear plastic kit drop-off box on top of the cart (No need to ring the doorbell if delivered in advance)
- DAY OF VISITS: Please ring the RED doorbell and wait for the lab associate to retrieve the kit from you. If the visit is occurring concurrently you may be asked to assist with setup.
- Shipping Boxes
- Make sure you have taken kit supplies (collection and aliquot tubes) out of the shipper and dropped them in the kit dropoff box. Leave labeled shipping boxes on the cart.
- Labeled clearly and visibly with:
- Date the box is for
- HUM Number
- PI Name
- Subject ID(s)
- Shipping labels/Waybills should either be:
- Inside the shipping carton
- Provided with kit supplies
- Provided in advance (stored in MCRU hardcopy file)
- DO NOT include any PHI on shippers. Please only use study-specific identifiers.
- Labeled clearly and visibly with:
- Make sure you have taken kit supplies (collection and aliquot tubes) out of the shipper and dropped them in the kit dropoff box. Leave labeled shipping boxes on the cart.
Specimen Drop Off (Collected Samples Being Delivered for Processing)
Collected Samples Being Delivered for Processing
- Specimen delivery is requested no later than 4:30 PM for standard samples, or 3:30 PM for samples with long processing steps (e.g., ESR, PBMC isolation). Samples delivered after this time may be held at 4°C until the next business day at the discretion of available staff.
- iPads will be available on the dropoff cart just outside the lab door
- Passwords are on the back of the screen
- Study team will log into the iPad and click the Safari app then the “SPECIMEN Drop Off” tab
- The link can be used to enter data from any device with a browser
- A single submission is sufficient for all samples associated with a single visit
- Study team will then log their Samples into the iPad filling in all necessary information:
- Last name of the PI
- HUM Number
- Visit type/definition
- Study subject Name and Date of Birth
- Subject study ID
- Collection date (MM/DD/YYYY)
- Collection time (24h clock, XX:XX)
- Responsible Study Team Member Name and contact information
- Notes for Lab (Free text box for any useful information for the lab)
- Next, follow one of the processes below depending on your situation:
- Ring the WHITE doorbell if the draw was normal and there are no time-sensitive samples being delivered
- Ring the RED doorbell if there is an issue requiring communication with lab staff
- Problematic draw (e.g. short-filled/vacuum loss, draw tubes different from manual, optional collections, samples need to be sent to Pathology)
- Time-sensitive processing (e.g., spin within X minutes)
- Suspected infectious or harmful substances
- Wait for lab staff to receive your samples at the window.
MCRU lab has recently improved workflow to allow for on-demand pickup of completed requisitions. Since requisitions are not considered “complete” until all samples from the visit have been distributed or stored for future shipment we ask that study teams continue submitting requests.
- Email [email protected] at least 24 hours in advance of desired pickup time. Include the PI name, HUM#, and at least two details to help us identify the requisition being sought (subject ID, date, visit type, requisition barcode number; or “All available”).
- Wait for email response from staff indicating requisitions are ready for pickup
- Requisitions will be bundled and left at the lab window for pickup.
- Ring the doorbell and wait for assistance. Staff will ask for the name of the requestor as well as the PI name and HUM number(s) of the requisitions you are picking up or inquiring after.
- Batch distribution (picked up by study team or shipped) should be scheduled in advance (~1-week standard, allow more time if manifesting a large number of samples).
- To initiate distribution please email the MCRU-Corelab ([email protected])
- The Lab Manager will designate staff to assist with distribution
- MCRU lab staff are responsible for identifying inventory and providing a manifest to study staff for approval prior to distribution, OR
- Study staff may provide a manifest to MCRU for verification
- When inventory to distribute has been identified and agreed upon, a pickup/ship date can be arranged
- Depending on agreements at initiation, study staff may be
- Admitted to lab to receive samples
- Asked to provide or verify a manifest prior to shipment
- Asked to provide shipping carton(s) of sufficient size to accommodate manifested inventory
1500 E Medical Center Dr
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
The Michigan Clinical Research Unit is provided through the Clinical Trials Support Office (CTSO). The CTSO is a unit of the Medical School Office of Research, where our mission is to foster an environment of innovation and efficiency that serves the Michigan Medicine research community and supports biomedical science from insight to impact.