Biospecimen Inventory
Photo of biospecimen being pulled out of a freezer

Expand Your Research Potential

Over 650,000 biospecimen available for your research needs. 

Make an Appointment

Researchers looking to acquire biospecimens and associated data from the biorepository may submit a Use Proposal Form for approval from a program-specific Oversight Committee. All access requests are subject to applicable regulations and IRB approvals. 

The Central Biorepository collaborates with the Data Office for Clinical and Translational Research to make most biospecimens collected at Michigan Medicine clinics discoverable through DataDirect. Genetic, survey, and laboratory data may be available through collaboration with the principal investigator(s) of the U-M research program that has contributed the biospecimens. Whenever possible, the Central Biorepository and Data Office will provide a final dataset in coded form (i.e., without personal identifiers of research subjects) for analysis.

  • For access to breast cancer specimens, contact Dr. Daffyd Thomas at [email protected].
  • For access to samples from patients with kidney disease, visit the study-specific webpages for the Nephrotic Syndrome Study Network (NEPTUNE), The Clinical Phenotyping and Resource Biobank Core (C-PROBE) of the George M. O’Brien Kidney Translational Core Center, and the Kidney Precision Medicine Project (KPMP). For RESOLVE, contact the Coordinating Center at [email protected] if interested in collaborating and/or submitting an ancillary proposal for study data/specimen use.
  • For access to IASO study SARS-CoV-2 serum, respiratory, or PBMC specimens, contact Dr. Aubree Gordon at [email protected]
  • To submit a request for ocular tissue samples from the Mary Tyler Moore Ocular Biorepository and Resource Center, contact Dr. Patrice Fort at [email protected]. Ocular samples will be distributed based on specific research needs. Access to ocular tissue samples and accompanying data requires membership to the Mary Tyler Moore Vision Initiative Consortium. For more information regarding consortium access and membership, contact Dr. Fort. For more information about the Mary Tyler Moore Vision Initiative and our shared mission to end vision loss caused by diabetes visit the study website: MTM Vision Initiative | Diabetes Vision Therapy Development (
Current Inventory

Contact Us
Central Biorepository
Medical School Office of Research
North Campus Research Complex, Building 60-1661
2800 Plymouth Road
Ann Arbor, MI 48109

Hours of Operation: 7:30 am - 4:30 pm, Monday - Friday 

Want to provide feedback? Click here to access a brief survey about your CBR service. 

Phone Number: 734-647-8809
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We're Accredited – The Central Biorepository is accredited by the College of American Pathologists (CAP) Biorepository Accreditation Program.